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Welcome to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Mercer Island!

Worship Times

9 AM Memorial weekend – Labor Day In-person/Livestream 

8 AM In-Person, 10 AM In-person/Livestream

If this is your first time with us, we are delighted to have you here. You might wonder what things will be like on Sunday morning, so we’ll do our best to give you some basic information. This page details worship, education offerings for all ages, service in our community, and times of fellowship and community life together. Please email us at if you’d like to learn more!


What are some worship details that are helpful for me to know?

In-person worship at Holy Trinity is at 9:00 AM on Sundays and we believe that all people - all abilities, ages, ethnic identities, cultures, gender expressions, faith backgrounds, are welcome to participate fully. We believe in a God who goes ‘to the ends of the earth’ to gather us together, as a beloved community, so that we can know and experience our God of love through the words, music and experience of worship. You will follow along with our all-inclusive bulletin. Pastors and worship leaders guide us along step by step through the service.

During Advent and Lent we often have midweek services on Wednesdays. These times are a chance to reflect, learn and grow in deeper faith through our Lord Jesus.

What is worship like?

We follow traditional liturgy patterns, as ancient as our Jewish ancestors and the first Christians, while incorporating a variety of music styles. In one service alone, you may hear piano, guitars, drums as well as classical organ music. We look to Jesus as our teacher and the one who loved us so much that he gave his life for us on the cross. And we take great joy in the promise that life and love always wins – through the power of the empty tomb on Easter morning.

Our 8 AM service is in our historic chapel. Our 10 AM service is in our newly remodeled sanctuary. Memorial weekend – Labor Day weekend we offer one service at 9 AM.

Communion at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 

Here at Holy Trinty we celebrate Holy Communion at all Sunday worship services and invite everyone to join in the meal at God's table.  You do not need to be Lutheran or a member to participate. All means all, so that includes you!

Are my children welcome in worship?

Yes! All children of all ages are welcome to worship! We love to hear the sounds of children making a joyful noise to the Lord. Children also learn to worship by being in worship with their parents and loved ones. We have a Children’s Message every service. We also have a ‘pray ground’ in the sanctuary where children can move and stretch, color and read, all while listening and participating in the service.

Online Worship

We have worship that is livestreamed and recorded for you to view outside of Sunday mornings. Our 10AM service is livestreamed. Please find last week’s worship service below and all previous worship services are on our Youtube Channel. You are always in a community of believers. Please go to our YouTube Channel (Holy Trinity Lutheran Mercer Island) and subscribe!

Christian Education for All Ages

As Lutheran Christians we are dedicated to life-long learning and growing in faith – for all ages. We offer Sunday School, Confirmation, High School events, and service opportunities. For adults, we offer classes, retreats and service opportunities. 

Service to our Community

Our congregation has a history of service to our community that continues today! We celebrate all skills and abilities as we serve outside our church walls.

Fellowship and Community Life at HTLC

Faith is best formed in relationships. Afterall, it’s how God chose to come to us – in a person named Jesus. The best way to stay up to date on what’s happening in our community life is to subscribe to our weekly e-news where we have all the latest and greatest announcements. Send an email requesting to be on the e-news list at

Last Sunday's Worship